Willa Rose Necklace
Willa Rose Necklace
Willa Rose Necklace
Wells Cooperative

Willa Rose Necklace

Regular price $38.00

Gold filled pendant.

We started having complications with my pregnancy after my car accident last November. Beginning of December the flow in the umbilical cord was stopping at times. So we got transferred to a mfm where I spent a week in the hospital. During a routine ultrasound that I had plenty of before found a heart defect. Which ended up getting me a fetal echo ultrasound. They confirmed she had a heart defect and then proceeded to tell me this certain defect was common in trisomy 21 babies. We had opted out of NIPT testing because if there was anything we didn’t want to worry our whole pregnancy. Come December 20 they drew my NIPT during my hospital stay. Fast forward to January 7th went in for one of my weekly follows up and told me they measured baby and she only gained 7oz since December 20th, and that my results were in for my genetics test. We had less than 24hrs to prepare for the birth and our lives changing. We were scared and nervous and didn’t know what to expect. But the moment we laid eyes on our little girl our whole world changed and we are happy it did. She is the happiest and sweetest baby ever. She keeps us on our toes and we would do it all over again. ❤️

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